Biography of the author

Mykhailo Turovskyi (born in 1933) is a Ukrainian painter, graphic designer, and writer. Born in Kyiv. At the beginning of World War II, he was evacuated to Samarkand, where he attended a local art school. He returned to Kyiv (1944) and continued his studies at the State University named after Shevchenko. Studied at KHI (1954-1960) with T. Yablonska, O. Pashchenko, and M. Deregus. Graduated from postgraduate studies at the Moscow Academy of Arts (1965-1968). Participant of numerous exhibitions in Ukraine, the USSR and abroad (since 1957). People's Artist of Ukraine (2008), member of the Academy of Arts of Ukraine (since 2009). Emigrated to the USA (1979). Turovsky's work is represented in the permanent collections of the National University of Kyiv (Kyiv), DTG (Moscow), Yad Vashem Museum of Art (Jerusalem), Johnson Museum of Art (New York), Notre Dame Museum of Art (Indiana), as well as numerous collections around the world. Lives and works in New York.

Biography of the author

Mykhailo Turovskyi (born in 1933) is a Ukrainian painter, graphic designer, and writer. Born in Kyiv. At the beginning of World War II, he was evacuated to Samarkand, where he attended a local art school. He returned to Kyiv (1944) and continued his studies at the State University named after Shevchenko. Studied at KHI (1954-1960) with T. Yablonska, O. Pashchenko, and M. Deregus. Graduated from postgraduate studies at the Moscow Academy of Arts (1965-1968). Participant of numerous exhibitions in Ukraine, the USSR and abroad (since 1957). People's Artist of Ukraine (2008), member of the Academy of Arts of Ukraine (since 2009). Emigrated to the USA (1979). Turovsky's work is represented in the permanent collections of the National University of Kyiv (Kyiv), DTG (Moscow), Yad Vashem Museum of Art (Jerusalem), Johnson Museum of Art (New York), Notre Dame Museum of Art (Indiana), as well as numerous collections around the world. Lives and works in New York.

ID of the work: 17385
Mykhailo Turovskyi (1933)
"Flowers in a Vase", 2002
paper, oil
54 х 35,5 cm
Publications Catalog of the personal exhibition of Mikhail Turovsky "Plastic Symphony, Painting and Graphics", Kyiv, 2017, p. 27
Biography of the author

Mykhailo Turovskyi (born in 1933) is a Ukrainian painter, graphic designer, and writer. Born in Kyiv. At the beginning of World War II, he was evacuated to Samarkand, where he attended a local art school. He returned to Kyiv (1944) and continued his studies at the State University named after Shevchenko. Studied at KHI (1954-1960) with T. Yablonska, O. Pashchenko, and M. Deregus. Graduated from postgraduate studies at the Moscow Academy of Arts (1965-1968). Participant of numerous exhibitions in Ukraine, the USSR and abroad (since 1957). People's Artist of Ukraine (2008), member of the Academy of Arts of Ukraine (since 2009). Emigrated to the USA (1979). Turovsky's work is represented in the permanent collections of the National University of Kyiv (Kyiv), DTG (Moscow), Yad Vashem Museum of Art (Jerusalem), Johnson Museum of Art (New York), Notre Dame Museum of Art (Indiana), as well as numerous collections around the world. Lives and works in New York.

ID of the work: 17385
Mykhailo Turovskyi (1933)

"Flowers in a Vase", 2002

paper, oil
54 х 35,5 cm
Publications Catalog of the personal exhibition of Mikhail Turovsky "Plastic Symphony, Painting and Graphics", Kyiv, 2017, p. 27
вул. Первомайського, 4 01133 Київ
+ 38 050 462 95 32 [email protected]