Biography of the author

Sergei Panich (b. 1958) - Ukrainian artist. Born in Kyiv. He graduated from the Luhansk Art College; Kyiv State Art Institute (1983). Participated in the "First Ukrainian project" on 49 Venice Biennale. Participant in numerous exhibitions in Ukraine and abroad (since 1987). He lives and works in Kyiv.

Biography of the author

Sergei Panich (b. 1958) - Ukrainian artist. Born in Kyiv. He graduated from the Luhansk Art College; Kyiv State Art Institute (1983). Participated in the "First Ukrainian project" on 49 Venice Biennale. Participant in numerous exhibitions in Ukraine and abroad (since 1987). He lives and works in Kyiv.

ID of the work: 21079
Sergiy PANYCH (1958)
"Jesus Christ and the Warrior", 1980s
canvas, oil
175 x 170 cm
Signature bottom left
Biography of the author

Sergei Panich (b. 1958) - Ukrainian artist. Born in Kyiv. He graduated from the Luhansk Art College; Kyiv State Art Institute (1983). Participated in the "First Ukrainian project" on 49 Venice Biennale. Participant in numerous exhibitions in Ukraine and abroad (since 1987). He lives and works in Kyiv.

ID of the work: 21079
Sergiy PANYCH (1958)

"Jesus Christ and the Warrior", 1980s

canvas, oil
175 x 170 cm
Signature bottom left
вул. Первомайського, 4 01133 Київ
+ 38 050 462 95 32 [email protected]