Biography of the author

Kotkov Ernest (1931-2012) - Ukrainian painter. Born in Kyiv. He graduated from the Kyiv Institute of Art (1955). In his work - poster, drawing, easel painting, monumental decorative mosaics, sculptural plastic. Newspaper "Pravda", called it "the abstract, cosmopolitan and formalist", and then he burned eight of his paintings. Member of the Union of Ukrainian Artists , member of the creative association "View." Kotkov works are in museums and private collections in France, USA, Austria, Switzerland, Germany, Israel, and avant-garde composition of concrete adorn many cities of Ukraine. According to art critics, Kotkov had a unique gift of Renaissance universalism.

Biography of the author

Kotkov Ernest (1931-2012) - Ukrainian painter. Born in Kyiv. He graduated from the Kyiv Institute of Art (1955). In his work - poster, drawing, easel painting, monumental decorative mosaics, sculptural plastic. Newspaper "Pravda", called it "the abstract, cosmopolitan and formalist", and then he burned eight of his paintings. Member of the Union of Ukrainian Artists , member of the creative association "View." Kotkov works are in museums and private collections in France, USA, Austria, Switzerland, Germany, Israel, and avant-garde composition of concrete adorn many cities of Ukraine. According to art critics, Kotkov had a unique gift of Renaissance universalism.

ID of the work: 18536
Ernest Kotkov (1931-2012)
"South. Snail on the slope", 1995
canvas, oil
83 x 97 cm (in the frame 89 x 103 cm)
Signature and date bottom right

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The work is included in the collection
Biography of the author

Kotkov Ernest (1931-2012) - Ukrainian painter. Born in Kyiv. He graduated from the Kyiv Institute of Art (1955). In his work - poster, drawing, easel painting, monumental decorative mosaics, sculptural plastic. Newspaper "Pravda", called it "the abstract, cosmopolitan and formalist", and then he burned eight of his paintings. Member of the Union of Ukrainian Artists , member of the creative association "View." Kotkov works are in museums and private collections in France, USA, Austria, Switzerland, Germany, Israel, and avant-garde composition of concrete adorn many cities of Ukraine. According to art critics, Kotkov had a unique gift of Renaissance universalism.

ID of the work: 18536
Ernest Kotkov (1931-2012)

"South. Snail on the slope", 1995

canvas, oil
83 x 97 cm (in the frame 89 x 103 cm)
Signature and date bottom right

Send us a request and we will try to find you a similar work
The work is included in the collection
вул. Первомайського, 4 01133 Київ
+ 38 050 462 95 32 [email protected]