Biography of the author

Volokitin Artem (born 1981) is a Ukrainian artist. Was born in Eshara, Kharkiv region. Graduated from Kharkiv State Academy of Design and Arts. Leader of the Pinchuk Art Prize (2009). Entered the Future Generation Art Prize shortlist (2010). Participant in many exhibitions, projects, festivals in Ukraine and abroad (since 2006). Future Generation Art Prize Venice, Palazzo Papadopoli, Venice, Italy (2011). Internship at Anthony Gormley, London (2010). Lives and works in Kharkiv.

Biography of the author

Volokitin Artem (born 1981) is a Ukrainian artist. Was born in Eshara, Kharkiv region. Graduated from Kharkiv State Academy of Design and Arts. Leader of the Pinchuk Art Prize (2009). Entered the Future Generation Art Prize shortlist (2010). Participant in many exhibitions, projects, festivals in Ukraine and abroad (since 2006). Future Generation Art Prize Venice, Palazzo Papadopoli, Venice, Italy (2011). Internship at Anthony Gormley, London (2010). Lives and works in Kharkiv.

ID of the work: 18278
Artem Volokitin (1981)
"Manifest-2", 2016-2017
canvas, oil
120 x 160 cm
Signature and date on the back
Biography of the author

Volokitin Artem (born 1981) is a Ukrainian artist. Was born in Eshara, Kharkiv region. Graduated from Kharkiv State Academy of Design and Arts. Leader of the Pinchuk Art Prize (2009). Entered the Future Generation Art Prize shortlist (2010). Participant in many exhibitions, projects, festivals in Ukraine and abroad (since 2006). Future Generation Art Prize Venice, Palazzo Papadopoli, Venice, Italy (2011). Internship at Anthony Gormley, London (2010). Lives and works in Kharkiv.

ID of the work: 18278
Artem Volokitin (1981)

"Manifest-2", 2016-2017

canvas, oil
120 x 160 cm
Signature and date on the back
вул. Первомайського, 4 01133 Київ
+ 38 050 462 95 32 [email protected]